Silicon Wives
Company contact details
New York, USA
New York
What`s you type of girl?
Blonde girls? Thick girls? Short girls? How about African American or Japanese? Well, only a man would know the answer to that because 70% of men pick with their eyes. Nowadays its hard to go out for a date when you have so much responsibilities in your life and every time you get older there's more and more. Men found a solution fulfilling their inner needs not having to waste time on dates. Silicon Wives has a variety of silicone dolls to choose from and not only men can check it out but women also. However, if there's something you would like to change in the girl you picked on their webpage, for example, the eye color, then you just have to send them an email and they will do it for you.
Go see / Silicon Wives at
Among our products are:
- Silicon Wives
- silicone dolls
- sex toys
- toys for adults
- thick girls
- toys
- silicone
- 18+
- dolls